CPT 162, Basic Web Page PublishingWelcome Message Course SyllabusSuccess in this class is dependent upon you working through the lessons before making an attempt at the assignment. If you try to accomplish this class any other way you will probably not be successful. Web development can be very difficult to understand initially so I've developed this course so you will slowly work your way through my lessons, developing the skill necessary to be successful on the assignment and the next set of lessons. The assignments are all due at Midnight on Saturdays throughout the semester If you were taking this class in the classroom you would be spending 6 hours a week in class. Then you would be spending 4 to 6 hours outside of class on assignments. You need to make up a schedule where you are working on this class 10 to 12 hours a week. That's classroom plus home work or, if you are online, all those hours are homework. It is best to spread that time over four or five days each week. If you try to do this class only on the weekends you will fail. You will not have enough time to learn the materiel and do the assignments.
*This schedule is to be used as a guide and may be changed as necessary by your instructor.
Student Holiday: Jan 21 (MLK Day)
Last Day to Withdraw: February 19th
Student Activity Period: 10:45-11:45 Feb 5th (AITP, your student org meets in bld 920, room 503)
Join AITP for free! https://www.aitp.org/join-now/
Your plan is to transition from student to IT employee. That's why you are
taking classes and pursuing a degree. It is not as easy as graduating and then
getting hired. In fact, you should be pursuing employment starting with your
first classes at TTC. Each class is going to provide you with IT knowledge that
an employer will pay you to use at their company. You will find very few, if
any, entry level, zero experience jobs when you start looking. That's because
companies do not list those jobs on Monster.com or Craigslist.com. You find
those jobs by word of mouth. You must engage the local IT community and get to
know your future co-workers and bosses. Fortunately, that's very easy to do.
There are several meetings each month where you can meet local IT professionals
and also learn something you probably won't learn in class. Below is a list of
meetings that are available for you to join. Most of them are totally free.
Those that are not only charge a nominal fee to offset the cost of drinks and
You will find that each of these meetings are full of friendly people who enjoy
meeting students who will one day be their co-workers. In fact, many are TTC
graduates and understand how difficult it is to get that first IT job. They will
provide you great information about what to study, what types of jobs you should
apply for and also inside information on new entry level jobs that are not
posted anywhere.
Mr. Brady (574-6084, building 920 room 602C) is available if you wish to talk
about careers, which classes to take, how to engage the IT community. Feel free
to email him at tom.brady@tridenttech.edu
if you have any questions or which to talk to him about careers or academics.
Please visit the AITP Facebook page and like us at AITP-Trident-Technical-College
Facebook Page
Follow Mr. Brady on Twitter:
http://twitter.com/tombrady814 Actually, better to follow the people he
follows to get some great information on HTML, CSS and software development.
Increase your skills and enhance your resume
Even when you have completed all your degree requirements you will not have the coding experience to get a junior developer job. You need to work on a development project. There are two ways to do that. First, it is free and it's online at https://www.freecodecamp.org/. You need self-discipline and time to do it. If you want to do it quickly and have an excellent opportunity to get hired as a junior developer making more than 45k a year you can go to the Jack Russell code school at http://www.jackrussellsoftware.com/coding_school/ they charge $10,000 and it takes three months but you will be "sit down ready" to work at one of Charleston's many IT companies. There next class will be in the Spring and I recommend you finish your two year degree before attending. When you do you will be the most advanced student in the class because of your training at TTC.
Another great free site teaching programming: www.codeacademy.com Great site to join because they have awesome sales on video classes on software development: www.udemy.com
Get involved in the local IT community:
*https://www.meetup.com/chsinfosec/ Want to learn about computer security, this
is it! Meets in N. Charleston
https://www.meetup.com/Charleston-Cyber-Security-Meetup/ The other computer
security meetup group, meets downtown
* www.meetup.com/The-Iron-Yard-Charleston Hack Night! Hang out, eat pizza and
get to meet friendly developers
http://www.meetup.com/CharlestonJS/ Quarterly meetup about JavaScript.
http://www.meetup.com/Charleston-Indie-Game-Dev-Meetup/ Learn about careers
in Computer Gaming
https://www.meetup.com/Charleston-Build-Guild/events/255155887/ Hang out in
a bar with developers
https://www.meetup.com/Charleston-Hackers/ Charleston Hackers. Just coders
not people hacking into computers.
New group that is still working on their first meetup.
Women only Groups (You (women) should join each even if you are not doing
software development):
https://www.meetup.com/Empowered-Minds-Creating-Change/ Not a technical
group, just women helping women get ahead.
* Women in Tech meeting:
http://www.meetup.com/Charleston-Women-In-Tech/ The Women in Tech meeting
is is for all IT women. They will have a panel of women in different tech
careers, telling their stories and providing great advice. It’s free! Great
networking opportunity for women all our degree programs. Also check out the
Charleston Women in Tech website https://www.charlestonwomenintech.com/
Get business cards: When you meet other IT professionals they are going to give
you their business card, you need to have one to give back. VistaPrint.com will
print 250 cards for free, just costs you for shipping. Use your .edu or
gmail.com email address and have your title be software development or
information systems or Network Systems Management, etc.